This section describes you about downloading, configuring and testing Netezza Linux ODBC driver. This process is tested on the Ubuntu 14.04. Netezza Linux ODBC Drivers are requires to connect to Netezza server from any client machine.
With netezza instead of odbc in your code it is attempting to use the Netezza engine which requires that specific license. And you may want to use DATAsrc=NZSQL instead of DSN. From the documentation:
Ibm Netezza Odbc Driver Download
Locate the RPM for the Hive ODBC driver distributed by your Hadoop vendor. In some cases, the RPM will be available ina YUM repository. In other cases, you may need to download the ODBC driver from the vendor's website.
The Oracle ODBC drivers must be installed on the Immuta server in order to enable support for Oracle data sources. TheRPM that needs to be installed is oracle-instantclient12.1-odbc and is available from Oracle. Visit -64soft-092277.htmland download both oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- andoracle-instantclient12.1-odbc- Install these RPMs with the following:
Query results are uploaded to an internal DBFS storage location as Arrow-serialized files of up to 20 MB. When the driver sends fetch requests after query completion, Databricks generates and returns presigned URLs to the uploaded files. The ODBC driver then uses the URLs to download the results directly from DBFS.
Query results are uploaded to an internal DBFS storage location as Arrow-serialized files of up to 20 MB. When the driver sends fetch requests after query completion, Databricks generates and returns presigned URLs to the uploaded files. The JDBC driver then uses the URLs to download the results directly from DBFS.
In order to facilitate setting up ODBC connectivity,operating systems typically provide ODBC Managers which help set up theODBC drivers and manage the binding of the applications against thesedrivers. On Windows the ODBC Data Source Manager is built into thesystem. On Mac OS X, the iODBC ODBC Manager is part of the OS, with an optional ODBC manager GUI available as separate download. On Unix platforms, you can choose one of the ODBC managers unixODBC, iODBC or DataDirect, which provide the same ODBC functionality on most Unix systems.
Databases usually ship with ODBC drivers for Windows, so it'seasy to get Python connected to a database on Windows. If you are working on Linux and MacOS X, you can typically download drivers from the database vendor. If you have trouble finding adatabase driver for your platform, try the ODBC vendor list on (web archive copy), or have a look at our mxODBC Connect product:
Note that should still install the mx Base Distribution before proceeding with the following steps as explained in the download section. The egenix-mxodbc package includes a requirement for the egenix-mx-base package, so most installers will attempt to install egenix-mx-base automatically. 2ff7e9595c