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The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New There are so many websites that have amazing resources for learning something new. Some websites are incredibly expensive or require you to be enrolled in a school, while others are just massive repositories of information that is all available online. Here's our list of the 37 best websites to learn something new. "There is absolutely no excuse for you not to master a new skill, expand your knowledge, or eventually boost your career. The Internet is like a huge smorgasbord of information, and with the right tools at your disposal, you can easily find exactly what you're looking for. Consider this list your roadmap to finding the best websites out there." "We all want to be efficient and make more efficient use of our time. How many times do you open up the world's largest encyclopedia on your smartphone only to realize that it provides very little specific information? Think about all of those mediocre articles you've stumbled upon. These are the pages that should be annoyed with you because of how slowly they load and how annoying it is to click through every word on them just so you can search for what you want. Reading is no longer an isolating activity. All of our favorite websites provide a lot of useful information, and more and more breakthroughs in our field are published on the Internet daily." "The World Wide Web is a big place. There are tens of thousands of websites for you to navigate, all of them with different purposes and functions. But while this variety can be overwhelming, it also provides countless opportunities for you to get new skills or expand your knowledge in many different fields. In this post we will focus on the best websites that offer free courses." "Reading is, without question, one of the most powerful things you will ever engage in. By reading a book or an article, you will learn something new that you did not know before. A book can expand your knowledge and your horizons, while a good article can teach you new things about something you thought you already knew." "One of the best things about the Internet is that it's literally changed the way we consume information. Gone are the days of flipping through page after page of an encyclopedia or almanac to find information on a particular topic. If it's not available on Wikipedia, chances are I am not going to find it at all; and if I am lucky enough to find some, it will contain only the most basic and general information. I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but usually if I need specialized information, or information that's going to help me solve a particular problem, it is not available on the Internet." "Here are some of the best educational websites that will help you change your life, whether through the acquisition of new knowledge or simply by helping you develop your critical thinking skills." "If you're looking for knowledge or want to stay ahead of the curve and be on trend with what's happening in science and technology fields, then check out these hot education websites. Many people around the world use these helpful sites as a tool for research. cfa1e77820