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It's tough to find detailed information on this topic #solucionariomecanicadematerialesfitzgerald ##introduction If you are an engineer or designer looking for help with mechanical calculations, the search may be over. You can now do these calculations right in your browser! It's hard to believe that it is possible, but solucionariomecanicadematerialesfitzgerald is a great resource for aspiring engineers and designers. The site provides in-depth mathematical analysis of problems involving inelastic material deformation, shock waves, and mechanical designs. All the content is in Spanish, but the interface is accessible to users from any region. ##motivation In this web site we have been giving a series of examples on subject matter that many engineers face regularly. It can be mechanical shock waves or elasticity problems with solids. In each example we give a problem and its solution for readers to try out themselves or see how this subject area can be covered by computers. The website was initially developed to support students given that there are many misconceptions about mechanics among them due to a lack of mathematics instruction during their time at secondary school. ##availability and accessibility The website is available on line and accessible all over the world. #solucionariomecanicadematerialesfitzgerald ##content There is a large variety of concepts and calculations that can be found on this site, such as: deformation of solids, elasticity, stresses in materials, shear deformation of rigid bodies, extensional deformation of solids, harmonic oscillations in solid beams with end-stresses. We have given various examples related to these concepts. If you are interested you can check other examples given by other users or by other people. #solucionariomecanicadematerialesfitzgerald ##other There are too many details to go into them all. Just check it out for yourself. ##comments and reviews We have received positive responses for this site, with users recommending it as an excellent educational tool for young engineers who are interested in mechanics. Due to the nature of the site, most of our users are students or teachers. https://www.facebook. com/pages/SOLUCIONARIO-MECANICA-DE-MATERIALES-FITZGERALD/291707543703948?ref=hl cfa1e77820